Friday 13 March 2015

Under the bed

Since becoming part of a curatorial group at university, I have started looking more at how my work relates to the house. My group was formed through similar interests and themes within our work, and with this we are creating a mini exhibition, in which each artists work relates to a room in the house. my work focuses on the bedroom. I have been looking further into this concept, developing ideas and work to fit within my dedicated space. The space under the bed is often forgotten, dust collects there, unwanted or unused things are kept under it. For children, it can be referred to as where the monsters are. Taking these thoughts into consideration, I realised that this is where I would like my depressive feelings to go, under a bed, away, not needed or wanted. I have explored the space under beds within my home, which revealed objects such as old tissue rolls, storage boxes, suitcases, and in my sons room, a lost dummy. I plan to use this research to develop an installation piece within my group exhibition, further expanding and developing for my degree show in May.

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