Friday 13 March 2015

Trial of installation

Within the group I am in, based on themes and interests, we have chosen a space in which to display our work, continuing with the house theme. Several of us have a window space in which we can occupy with our work. I have chosen to place a full size bed in my space, making it up as a normal bed would look. However, underneath I plan to create a womb-like environment (referring back to importance of my tummy) in which the viewer can experience the work through projected video, sound and warmth. I briefly installed the bed within the space in order to check measurements, however, I had to take it down due to pending allowance from health and safety. The bed fits perfectly, however when looking underneath I feel I need to block out the light more than I have. I used a red sheet and draped it to create a belly-button like shape. This relates to my work as the belly button is from the umbilical cord, which attaches yourself to your mother in the womb. More development is needed, however I am excited to see how it plays out.

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