Saturday 28 March 2015

3. Drawers, Chests and Wardrobes

"Wardrobes with their shelves, desks with their drawers, and chests with their false bottoms are veritable organs of the secret psychological life. Indeed, without these 'objects' and a few others in equally high favor, our intimate life would lack a model of intimacy. They are hybrid objects, subject objects. Like us, through us and for us, they have a quality of intimacy." - Gaston Bachelard

The following images were influenced by the above quote, however, taking it one step further and placing a forgotten space into an intimate space. I set up video cameras under 2 beds and my sons cot in my house, recording the forgotten spaces, illustrating lost objects, forgotten rubbish and storage space. The 20 minute videos are very subtle, as it is only the lighting within the frame that changes throughout the recording.

I plan to use the idea of these spaces as representing the psychological life within my degree show work.

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